Fine Art Portfolio

Paintings/ Oil & Acrylic
The works displayed in this group are, for the most part, traditional oil and acrylic paintings done in 'en plein air' style (painted outdoors from life). or in a studio setup from live models. Secondly, I am interested in the interaction of realism and abstraction. While I am a realistic painter, I also prefer to incorporate abstraction, as this leaves portions of the work for the viewers to decipher and identify for themselves. I like to engage the viewer in this way--to lead them on a journey through the painting.
Life Drawings
These life drawings were all rendered using pastel chalk on canson paper. The desired goal was to work in a drawing style that was more in line with my approach to painting--where edges become lost at times into the background, and light defines form rather than line. Moreover, it is a process that lends itself well to a studio setup, where the designs can be rendered in a relatively short amount of time (usually around 15-20 minutes), while still capturing a substantial amount of information.
DreamWorks Fine Art Series
This last group is a collection of digital pieces created for the DreamWorks Animation fine art series. All DreamWorks themed artwork is ©DreamWorks Animation L.L.C., and may not be reproduced, copied or displayed for any reason.
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